Who am I?

I am Rosina Iglesias, a literary translator from English to Spanish and an editor and proofreader of Spanish texts.

Recently, I became certified as a Book Translator and have translated a number of books. Now I’m studying a Master’s Degree on Literary Translation and my wish is to specialize exclusively in translating fiction books for indie authors. 

You can find my prices on the Services section.

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Are you an author?

Have you ever thought of getting your fiction book translated?

Would you love to sell your books outside your language borders?

Did you dismiss the idea from your mind because you didn’t know how and where to start?

Book translation has always been one of those professions that’s been hidden in the shadows. Until recently, most translators have toiled away working for publishing companies. With the explosion of book authors who are self-publishing their books, there’s a desperate need to bring this information out of the shadows so you can make the best decision for your business.

From English to Spanish: Translate Your Book And Spread Your Business in Global Markets was born as a necessity to fill this gap to solve the concerns and misconceptions that non-translators have about translation. It will spill the beans and provide the information you are seeking about whether translating your book is the right decision for you.

Have you written a fiction book that is selling well in English?

Have you ever considered getting your book translated into another language or did you dismiss the idea because you don’t know how or where to start?

Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it, possibly without claiming it, she stands up for all women.

Maya Angelou

Book translation has always been a profession primarily hidden in the shadows. Until recently, almost all translators have toiled away working for publishing companies. However, with the explosion of authors who now self-publish their books, there’s a desperate need to finally bring translation out of the shadows so you can make the best decision about translating your book and gaining readers in new markets.

Women have sat indoors all these millions of years, so that by this time the very walls are permeated by their creative force, which has, indeed, so overcharged the capacity of bricks and mortar that it must needs harness itself to pens and brushes and business and politics.

Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own

Some time ago, I asked on a writers’ Facebook group which were their main concerns related to translation and which language they would prefer their books to be translated into. The most repeated answers to these questions were “Accuracy” and “Spanish”, respectively.

Never ever accept ‘because you are a woman’ as a reason for doing or not doing anything.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

The second most repeated answer I received to the authors’ concerns about translating their books was: “I would be worried that it was just being put through Google Translate (and mangled as a result) and I would be worried that the spirit of the book was lost overall.”

If you wish to know in which cases I would recommend using Google Translate and when it is a complete NO-NO, I invite you to download my book From English to Spanish: Translate Your Book And Spread Your Business in Global Markets.

I felt I represented a whole world of women who either were silenced or who had never received the imprimatur of the established literary world. […] Seeing me up there might encourage them to write one of those books I’m desperate to read.

Toni Morrison

The third main concern that authors had about translation, according to the answers I received, was a lack of confidence that the translation was good because “I wouldn’t have the linguistic ability to check.”

Another author told me: “I’d be worried about the grammar errors in that language, as I would not be able to catch those mistakes. I would be worried that it would reflect upon me as an author. So, the translator would need to not only have a strong foundation in the spoken language but also in its grammar.”

You may impose silence upon me, but you can not prevent me from thinking.

George Sand

And, lastly, another great concern, mainly for fiction authors, is the cost of translating their books.

Fiction authors worry about it because their aim when publishing a book is to sell as many copies as possible. That’s why they rely sometimes on platforms where they can do it for free. But do you really think that a translator who works for free (his or her only income is a percentage of the royalties) will worry about its quality?

When you hire a real translator that cares for the outcome, the translation of her book is an investment, not an expense.

Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.

Margaret Atwood

From English to Spanish: Translate Your Book And Spread Your Business in Global Markets was born to fill this gap, addressing the concerns and misconceptions non-translated authors have about translation. It spills the beans providing the information you need about how translating works and whether translating your book is right for you.

What some of my clients say about my work...

Why me and not another translator?

Obviously, there are professionals who offer more affordable (or more expensive) prices than me, but with me, you can be assured that I will treat your text with respect, professionalism, and accuracy. Also, to make your experience with me simple, pleasant, and didactic, I will provide you with the following services:

  1. My accessibility
  2. The resolution of all your concerns
  3. Punctuality in delivery

All the authors’ illustrations on my page are copyrighted for my exclusive use and for promoting its designer’s services online.

Come on, what are you waiting for?

Send me now an email asking for an estimate for the translation of your book into Spanish. I will get back to you as soon as possible.